Saints Volume 1

  1. Saints Volume 1 Review

Saints has a very different format, style, and intended audience than the two multivolume histories the Church has published in the past. The first history was begun by in the 1830s and published beginning in 1842. The second was published in 1930 by assistant Church historian B. H. The global reach of the restored gospel since then and the Lord’s command to keep the history continually “for the good of the church, and for the rising generations” () signal that it is time to include more Latter-day Saints in the story. Saints tells the stories of ordinary men and women from the earliest days of the Church until now. It also provides new detail and insight into better-known people and events from Church history. Each story will help you understand and appreciate the Saints who came before you to make the Church what it is today.

Saints Volume 1 Review

Saints volume 1 audioStories of the saints volume 1

Like you, they sacrificed to establish Zion, and they had challenges and successes as they sought to understand and implement divine direction. Woven together, their stories—and yours—create the rich tapestry of the Restoration. Our Sacred Past. The record keepers kept both large and small plates. In the large plates they recorded political and military history.

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