Saltine Crackers Expiration Date

Do Saltine Crackers Expire

We try and eat healthy but the families one guilty please is your snacking crackers. Always go through 10 boxes during Xmas. I bought Swiss Cheese and Cheese Bits for back to school. Family opened them early and good thing! I thought they were bad or had a mishap in the flour department!
They are both gritty like they have flour outside and the flavor is virtually gone. They are almost chalky.

Expiration Date: DDMMMYY – Example: 05DEC15. TEMPERATURE CLASS CODE. Ambient Prevailing Conditions. PREMIUM SALTINE WHOLE GRAIN CRACKERS 500/.24 OZ 2CT. PREMIUM GOLD CRACKERS 400/.22 OZ 2CT.
Plus the Swiss Cheese were all busted or small, no cheese going on those! Over the years we lost the Sour Cream and Chive that were the very best, barely see Bacon Dippers anymore, so Swiss Cheese, Cheese Nips and Bits are kinda the only snacking crackers. Saints volume 1 pdf. I know Every one is trying to be healthier but can you please add the flavor back? I think we can handle the texture change but the flavor is gone. And they clearly break easy in transit now.